6 月

Destiny of Refrigerant R-22

R-22 Is Really Going Away! “R-22 is really going away”, and it is going to be a big issue for HVAC contractors.  R-22 has been the refrigerant since 1938. R-22 is still in virtually every building in the United States, an estimated 25 million systems. The R-22 phase-out has been in effect for more than 15 years, BUT very few HVAC contractors have done anything to prep for R-22 to disappear. In 2010 the production of HCFC R-22 dropped radically and production of new equipment with R-22 contained in the unit was prohibited. Life went on with R-410 and a good supply of R-22. Following the guidelines of the Montreal Protocol each year has had limited production and importation of R-22. Indecision by the EPA has caused ups and downs in the supply of R-22 which caused parallel price ups and downs in the price of R-22. The price of R-22 jumped 275% in 2012 in just a few months, and did just the opposite with a 50% drop in mid 2013. Future of R […]

5 月

Different Types of Refrigeration Systems

There are many different types of refrigeration systems on the market, and the more you understand about these systems, the more likely you are to make a well-educated and informed choice when it comes to servicing or purchasing a new system. Depending on your style of living and your accessibility needs, you’ll most likely want a certain type of refrigeration system. Top Mount Refrigerator The top mount refrigerator is the classic and most common type of refrigerator today; the freezer is at eye level and the fresh food compartment is located at the bottom of the unit. You can find this type of refrigerator in a variety of different colors and sizes, making it the most flexible type of refrigerator you can purchase. You’ll undoubtedly be able to find one that fits the dimensions of your home, as well as your kitchen decor. Side-by-Side Refrigerator The side-by-side has a refrigerator and a freezer that run from the top to the bottom of […]

5 月

Refrigeration And Ice Making Process

Refrigeration And Ice Making Process 150 Years Later It’s been over 150 years more or less since we discovered ways to cooling and freezing our foods & drinks to either preserve them or make them even more enjoyable. Yes I am talking about the time when we preserved our food and drinks with snow and ice, either brought down from the mountain or gathered locally from ice and snow falls. “They say necessity is the mother of invention” The first cellars were created by digging holes into the ground and lining them with wood, straw or both and covered the cellar with ice or snow. Until the first mechanical refrigeration was invented, this was the only means of refrigeration for that of time period. “The great pioneers, inventors and innovators of the past” Credits to all the great pioneers and inventors who’s brilliance have ensured that not only can we prolong the lifespan of consumable goods but also groundbreaking successes in the fi […]

5 月

Block Ice Plants

Introducing The Process and Principles of Block Ice Manufacturing – history, innovation, technology and more. An ice machine, ice generator, ice plant, ice maker; call it what you want to, refers to the device for making ice, mostly found in your home freezer of your refrigeration gadget, a stand-alone appliance for producing ice or an industrial machine purposely built for large scale ice manufacturing. Commonly, we refer to the whole gadget as the “ice generator”. However, the ice generator is one of the main parts of the whole machine and its function is to generate ice. There are different types of artificial ice making machines, each designed for its use and purpose; e.g. the Block Ice Plant, Tube Ice Machine, Flake Ice Maker, Cube Ice Machine, Plate Ice Plant etc. History According to Schmidt L.M., the art of artificially freezing water to make ice cannot be acclaimed as a modern science. He explains, ages ago, in India, water was […]

2 月

test news


Contacts & Support

Focusun Refrigeration Corporation
Room 603, Baohong Center
No. 7755 Zhongchun Rd
Shanghai CHINA
Code postal: 201413

Tel: +86-21-5108 9946
Fax: +86-21-5227 2259
Email: enquiry@focusun.com

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